Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hola como estan?

Okay, I really don't have a lot of time, so I will try to make this quick.
Yes, I am getting transferred on Thursday from Laferrere II. It makes me really sad that I'm leaving. I gave my farewell speech in my ward yesterday and played a musical number of God be with You til we Meet Again. Pretty cleche right? But it was good.
I attached a zip file with a few pictures in their from our baptism on Saturday and some from my branch presidents' family. They are so cool and I'm going to miss them a ton. They want to come and visit me in the states in a few years. They said that if I want to return to Argentina, that I have a house to stay in. :-)
Mom, pray about your decision about going back to school. I personally think it would be good for you, and give you something to do while we are out of the house.
Congrats on all the future missionaries. Maryn and Tanner, I hope for the best of them. The mission is awesome!
Good luck to Paige on the job search, I hpe you find something soon.
Gavin, great picture you sent me. Keep it up with photography. Send me some pictures of Post Falls so I can print them off! :-)
Oh, by the way. Tell Chad to write me. On Wednesday, I wasn't able to go to lunch at his house because I was caught on divisions with another elder, so I wasn't able to see him before he left. I felt really bad that I couldn't see him. Tell him I love him and I hope to see him soon!

So, we had a great week this week. On Saturday, we had two baptisms, Samantha and Nely. Samanta was our miracle story that I told last week. I had the opportunity to baptize her and the spirit was so strong. He mom went and liked the baptism a lot. It was so cool to see an investigator grow in the gospel until the point of baptism. She is going to be a super strong member of the church. She also showed interest in serving a mission, but we'll see. That would be the highlight of my life if one of my converts served a mission. Nely was a member who's records got lost, so she had to get baptized again. She started to cry during the baptism. It was really cool.

We did divisions on Tuesday with my district leader and I went with his companion. The district leader lives right next to the zone leaders on the same piece of land. We woke up early in the morning to take some flour from the zone leaders apartment to make some scones. The zone leaders went to capital to do some immigration stuff, so we got the flour as they were leaving. What my temporary companion did not realize, was that he left the key to open the gate to leave the apartment in the zone leaders apartment, and the zone leaders left their apartment locked. And, we had no telephone to call anybody. So, we hung out in the apartment until the district leader and my companion came back. But, we still couldn't leave. So they went to the lunch appointment with Chad and we stayed in the apartment until the zone leaders arrived at almost four o'clock. Fun experience that definitely went in the journal.
Other than that, I don't have much to say. I'm just waiting for the transfers on Thursday. Kind of nervous because I don't know what's going to happen. I hope you enjoy the pictures and I hope you can open them on the Mac. If not, try Dad's laptop. I love you all and I look forward to your letters next week! Pray for me that transfers go okay!


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