Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekly Letter January 16, 2012

Hola, todo bien?
Writing at the end of another quick week. I was looking at the weekly news letter that the mission sends out and I saw that a lot of elders that I was really good friends with are starting to leave the mission now. My good friend, Elder Bush who was one of my first district leaders, is leaving at the end of this month. When I showed up in the mission, he had about a year, now I have more time than he did at that time. The time is going by so quick I can´t believe it. I was talking to Elder Alkema last night (my companion from the MTC) and he was saying that we have a little over 8 months left. Where did the time go? But, coming to that realisation only makes my want to work even harder for the last little time that I have left.
Recently, I have been getting a lot of headaches, more than normal. I think its the sun, but that doesn´t make it any less annoying or painful. I don´t have any ibuprofen in the apartment, but I can buy some really cheap whenever I want. Although, I am trying to get off of using so much pain killers, and I think that is one of the factors of my constant headaches. I will be calling the medical adviser today to ask some advice and I´ll also be calling the Area Doctor to see what he says. Meanwhile, don´t worry about me.
Mom, congratulations on your phenomenal weight loss! I am so happy for you! Losing weight does wonders for the body. Now, I am running every morning and I feel a lot better. I have more energy and I can do more things. Thank you so much for the package and I am now really looking forward to it. I can´t wait.
Dad, I´m sorry for what´s happening concerning the job. I feel bad in a sense that I´m not home and working like I did in the past. Cause I know that would be a big help. But, I know I´m in the right place right now, and that you will be blessed for the sacrifice that you´re making.
Gavin, that would be awesome job bro. Playing outside and getting paid? Sounds good to me. Also, thanks so much for the pictures! That last one that you made was awesome! I remember the song Rolling down to Rio. I played it for a lot of people when I was in school. I love solo & ensemble. Are you competing or are you just doing it to sing it? You should compete. To answer your questions, I did get your pictures and they´re awesome. No, we don´t go to the temple because the Buenos Aires Temple is closed for now, but its going to open in a few months. It´s been closed since November of 2009. And, when I need some more pictures I´ll let you know.
Paige, I hope that you enjoyed the fireside with Elder Holland. I had the opportunity to listen to him in the MTC and it was an amazing talk. Great man.
And yes, an all night pizza and movie fest would be the best. Looking forward to that for sure
Not much to report here. Just heat and humidity. Nothing exciting this week. We´re just working really hard to see if we can prepare some baptisms for February. Our recent convert who we baptised is leaving with us about twice a week to accompany us in teaching appointments. She is way cool. Her Mom is going to get baptised next month.
This week, I have to go to Chivilcoy (a city about an hour away) to do some baptismal interviews for the Zone Leaders. That's always fun and I look forward to being with the Zone leaders.
On the 30th of this month, we have transfers. I´m getting excited to get a new companion. My companion is awesome, don´t get me wrong, but he´s really hard to live with. I am getting excited to train too. I found out that we are getting a missionary from Belgium. Go figure that one out. First time I´ve seen a missionary from Europe in all my time here. Maybe he´ll be my companion, who knows?
Well, I´ve got to go. Just know that I´m happy, healthy, and living the dream. I´ll write you next week and I look forward to your letter as always. I love you and have a good week!

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