Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012

¿Todo piola?
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! I hope you had a good one filled with joy and festivities. Now we´re in 2012! Good thing I´ll be home by the end of the world right? Haha
Sorry to hear about the bad news for the week. Dad, you´ll find something soon. I just have a feeling that this will just be a short time without work. "Blessed art those who are faithful and endure in my church, for they shall inherit the Kingdom of God" D&C 50:13. Just keep swimming. I´ll be praying for you guys that Dad can find something soon.
Just a little something I want to ask. Are you guys going to be sending a package? I forgot to ask you on the phone. If its too much now, don´t worry about it. Let me know next week and I´ll tell you what you can put in it. Cheap stuff, don´t worry :-)
Well, all of my friends are going to be married when I get home. That´ll be strange. Weird. By the way, I wrote Stewie and his letter in on its way. He should get it in a couple of weeks at the most.
Our week was good, a little slow, but good. The New Year weekend was nightmare to work in. Nobody wanted to talk to us. But, its over now, and we don´t have another holiday for a while. Can you believe that we are already in 2012? So crazy! I just completed a full year in Argentina. Thats so nuts. Where did the time go?
I´m glad you had fun at the singles ward dance. I do have to disagree with you on something though. I never went to a singles dance where the guys asked me. Hahaha joke.
Gavin, I don´t hate you. I still love you. Being a missionary has made me realize that repentance is real, and that no matter how far we have stooped in sin, we can always repent. So, repent plase haha. Naw man, I like Carrie Underwood. Her voice is incredible. Have fun at guitar center!
I saw a preview on a television yesterday while passing by a member´s house of a movie thats called "Tintin" and it looks way good. That´s one I want to see when I get home. If you guys want to be really nice, you can give me a stack of movies for my coming home present. Thats something that I miss. Saturday night, with pizza and a movie.
This weekend, I probable ate about 3 asados. I still have meat in my teeth. This new family where we baptized the daughter on Christmas Eve, they gave us two of those asados. They love us and the Mom says that we´re like family. I hope that she doesn´t get really sad when we leave. I will be though.
So, I got a surprise call from the Assistants today saying that President and the Assistants are going to be in my apartment on Saturday morning at 10:30 saying that President wanted to interview me. Uh oh. ¡No fui yo! (It wasn´t me!). I don´t know what´s going to come out of that. I´ll let you know next monday. Pray for me though
On New Years Eve, we went to bed at 10:30. I know...lame right? But we were so tired. Although the fireworks woke me up at midnight, so I got up and watched them for a little bit. They were really cool.
Well, I´m sorry but there is just not much to write this week. The week was somewhat boring and went by slowly. Hopefully next week will be filled with some good experiences to write about. I sent you some music from a group called "Il Divo". They´re really good, we listen to them all the time. I think Gavin and I should get together and sing the song "Aleluya" after the mission. I love that song. I love you guys so much and I appreciate all that you do for me. I´ll be sending some more pictures next week, since I don´t have my camera with me today. Question: Are you guys keeping all of my pictures that I send? On what? It would be nice to know that not one of my pictures has been lost since the beginning of my mission. I´ve got to go. I´ll write you next week and I look forward to reading your letters next monday!

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