Monday, September 19, 2011

Hola familia mia!
     Por su puesto que sí, estos son los mejores dos años. Of course, these are the best two years.
     We had a great week this week, but I´ll take care of some housekeeping first.
     Mom, go ahead and give the painting to Brandi´s mom. Tell Brandi no hard feelings and that I loved it. If she´s mad, she can write me.
     Oh and also....FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS MAMÁ!!!! QUE LOS CUMPLAS FELIZ!!!! Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great 26th birthday! 
     I hope Paige comes home safely. I don´t know if I´ll have time to write her this week, but we´ll see. It happens, don´t get down about losing a job, y seguí nadando (just keep swimming).
     Concerning the CDs. Mom, just send me the original copies. I don´t care. I can buy new ones when I get home. Don´t send me Prince of Egypt, I may get it from another elder that I know. But, the others ones (from the list two weeks ago), just send me the originals.
     Thanks Gavin for the video that you sent me. It was awesome. I don´t know If i´ll write you today or next week. I don´t think I have time today. Keep praying and keep studying.
     Okay, well we had a week of miracles. That young lady that we taught last week is reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. We had an appointment with her tomorrow in the chapel. We are going to take her on a tour of the chapel and challenge her to be baptized. Its going to be awesome. Also, we´re going to have a baptism on the 8th of October. My companion and I felt impressed to visit a house of a part-member family the other day. When we arrived, we started talking about Baptism with one of the girls who isn´t a member and she wants to get baptized. I don´t know what changed, but our area went from nothing to baptisms all of a sudden it seems like. God is a God of miracles, I know that because he has showed me. 
     So, on monday I got a pain in my left foot that just wouldn´t go away. I thought it was nothing and just kept walking. After about 3 days, I couldn´t stand it any longer and I noticed that the bottom of my big toe had little holes on it and those holes were bleeding. So, I sent some pictures to the area doctor and he told me that I had a bad case of Athlete´s Foot. Bummer. But, he gave me some suggestions and I am feeling a lot better. I sent you the pictures, along with a picture of Elder George and I. We are thinking of being roomies in BYU after the mission. He´s a marine by the way. Super cool, he has the same time as me in the mission.
     Argentina is getting hot now. Can you belive it? It feels like I just left my last summer, and now its getting warmer again. Winter was too short. I don´t know what I´m going to do on my year mark. Maybe have a party and invite some girls over to the apartment haha  I think we´re going to dinner at a members house, hopefully.
     So, we just keep working and the Lord keeps blessing us. God always follows up with his promises, but it´s our responsability to follow up on the promises we make to him. I hope that this letter found everybody in good spirits and in good health. I look forward to hearing from you next week. I love you!
Les amo a todos! 

Élder Garrett Brighton Rook
"Yo soy el maestro de mi destino, yo soy el capitan de mi alma" 
 P.S. Mom, could you get the address to Adam´s mission? I need to send him a letter.


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