Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly Letter August 29th 2011

Bueno, otra semana pasa en Argentina. ¡Que rapido que pasó! Ni puedo creer que voy a tener un año en la misión ya. Me parece que recién llegué acá y que recién me despedí de ustedes hace poquito. Ya me voy a llegar en el otro lado del cerro muy pronto...que triste
Well, writing after another week in La bella del Sur. This week was awesome to say the least. I don´t know if you read the blog yet, but I´ll tell a little bit about what happened afterward. But first, some housekeeping:
So, you never told me when Becca Pingel leaves for the mission. I would really like to know, given that she´ll be in my mission for a few weeks in the MTC. There is a return missionary in my area that teaches there. So, i´ll tell her to send my regards.
Wow, decided to skip out on Stake Conference huh? Those are the kind of members that make me really angry here. They go to church every week, but when there is a special conference, they decide that their time at home is more important than the time at Stake Conference...just kidding haha! That´s what you get when you write your missionary son about not going to church.
It´s an interesting task here, getting the members to talk to there non-member friends about the Gospel. Really, it´s not that difficult. I think that sometimes if we share the Gospel with other people not of our faith, we think that somehow we will lose that friendship or aquaintance with that person. But, like the admonition of Paul, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ...", so we shouldn´t be ashamed either. Which relationship is more important, the relationship with your friends, or with Jesus Christ? And how joyful would it be if, in the celestial kingdom, you reunited with one of your friends because they, through you, learned about the restored gospel? Anyway, I am stepping down from my soapbox...
I am so jealous that Gavin and Dad went shooting. My companion and I were talking the other day about how gun crazy me and my family are (namely Dad and Gavin). I think I´ve been up to that shooting range before but I´m not sure. I am starting to forget the life before the mission.
Okay, so this week was pretty crazy. First, we had to go to Capital so my companion could start his immigration papers. Then, on Wednesday, we had Zone Conference. It was so amazing! We got there at 8:30 in the morning and didn´t leave until 8:00 at night! Such a good zone conference. You can read about it on the Mission President´s wife´s blog. My picture is under González Catán if there is any.
On Saturday, the Mission President invited us to go to his home that evening so I could play the piano in the Dinner for the Stake Presidents. The piano was good, it is really old and needs a lot of work. But, a beautiful Steinway & Sons Grand anyway. The food was really good, a nice break from what we eat out in the boonies, and we were there until about 10:00 at night. We weren´t breaking rules because the President and his Assistants were there.
We are definitely seeing a lot of blessings here in Laferrere. We taught the family of 6 this week and we also obtained a reference from the Mom to go and visit her sister from here. We went and found her sister, and her family as well. So, they all want to come to church this sunday. Hopefull we can baptize all of them. Nothing would make me more happy than to baptize an entire family. Oh yeah! Turns out that my convert from Moreno, Estiven, is a ward missionary and is working a ton with the work over there. And, his girlfriend, Joregelina, is working really hard with the Relief Society. My converts rock!
Well, got to go. Not much to write this week, but you can go on the blog and see whats going on in the mission. Pretty sure our transfer video is on there as well. I love you all and I will write you next week with what´s going on. Also, when do you need the list of what to send in my package? Just wondering...
Su hijo y misionero preferido,
Élder Garrett Brighton Rook

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