Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekly Letter July 11, 2011

Toda piola?
Writing again on yet another P Day in la Bella del Sur (The Beauty of the South). This week has just crawled, although usually the first week of every transfer is super slow. We got a lot of work done and I went to bed totally beat every night. I'm loving it though. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here.
Bummer to hear about the shingles Gav. Like I said in your letter, my last companion Elder Unker got shingles here in the field about a year ago. The doctor put him on some meds and he hasn't had it since. So, it's definitely controlable. You just need to relax bro, and allow other people to take that weight of worry off you chest.
Thanks for letting me know about what was going on with our close friends. I'll get a letter off to them shortly. Keep praying for them. Maybe you could put their names on the list in the Temple. I'll continue to pray for them.
Paige, just keep busy. That's what I do when I feel homesick. Just get out of your little comfort zone and work. Maybe you need to go on a mission. It would help you so much, you don't even know. The sisters here in the mission are awesome. Oh yeah, just stay the whole year. If you're going to be making money like that, just stay. Why wouldn't you want to?
Mom, a VISA Card would be nice. Given that the trip to Walmart is kind of a pain. So, VISA would be awesome!
On with the letter...
Okay, I am writing at the end of a very long week. My first week as senior companion was really good. We taught almost thirty lessons and got about fourteen new investigators. We clapped one hundred and eleven doors in a desperate attempt to find new people. Although only one person showd up to church, we are making plans with the members to help us out. The field is definitely white down here. Our baptism goal is seven for this transfer. We are keeping as obedient as possible to receive all the blessings we can. This is going to be a great transfer.
We had interviews with the new President this week. He is an amazing man to say the least. We talked for about 15 minutes. He is an Eagle Scout and he got his Duty to God as well. I told him that I did the same things, and he told me that I would have a lot of potential coming my way later in life. He told a story of three executives that were hired at a fortune 500 company out of a hiring pool of over 300 applicants. He said that they were hired because they had earned their Eagle Scout, and they all had served missions for the church. He said that I would probably be training next transfer as well. We talked about my schooling in the future. Mom, please don't cry when I tell you this. I asked about the possibility of leaving a transfer early to start school in September at BYU. He looked at me and said, Well, Elder, that doesn't sound to attractive to me. We have three options here. One, you can go home early and spend two weeks with your family until you go to school, you can go home on time and have three months until you go to school and that isn't good either, can extend your mission thirty days, come home during the holidays and spend a good two months with your family until you go to school in January. I looked at him and said that I liked the third option a lot better. So, we'll see what happens. I'll give him the yes or no when I hit the year mark in October. He also asked what city you guys are moving to in Florida, because he is from Florida and he wants to know where you're moving to so he can call the Stake President ahead and let them know that you guys are coming.
Also, some sad news. You guys remember my companion from the MTC, Elder Jones? I went to the change meeting on Monday and Elder Bush, a friend of mine from Moreno, told me that he had gone home. Sister Cox, one of the couple missionaries in the offices told me that he was really sad because he wasn't having the success that me and Elder Alkema were having in our missions. So, he went home about two weeks ago. That ruined my day when I heard it. Elder Alkema was there at the meeting too and he gave me a big hug when he heard it. We were so sad because we loved him so much. Never compare yourself to others. The Lord knows who each person is and their struggles. Even though we baptize for the mission overall, we are all here on our personal missions and our personal progress. At the end, if we worked hard and did our best, then we are successful missionaries.
That is pretty much the highlight of the week. Week one is really boring, so the letter will be longer next week.
I love you all and I will see you soon!
Élder Garrett Brighton Rook
Laferrere, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Mi proposito es invitar a lodas las personas a venir a Cristo..."
P.S. Here is the link for the mission that the President's Wife made. You can read about what's going on in the mission. Also, my picture is under Gonzalez Catan.
P.S.S. Send me some pictures from my Facebook account so I can print them here.

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