Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey Everybody!
Congrats to Tom and Erin! Has a been a year already for them? Congrats to Aunt Justine and Uncle Blaine! Isn´t that where they wanted to go when they applied the first time? That is really too bad about what happened to Capt. Dick Winters. Before I left, I read a little bit about him. Truly sad that he is gone. Its too bad that a generation of good men are starting to pass away. After they´re gone, who do we have left that are truly honorable men? Anyway, my weekly happenings follow.
The weather is really weird now. It has been unbelievably hot some days, and rainy other days. On Sunday, we were walking to a lunch appointment and it started to sprinkle a little bit. Then the thunder hit like a bomb it was so loud. It was still sprinkling a little bit and then it stopped for about 30 seconds. I heard a sound like a freight train crashing through the trees and it started to downpour. There are not words to describe the amount on water that was falling from the sky. It was as if somebody had turned a bucket over and let the water flow on Moreno. Within companion and I were soaked to the bone. We showed up to our lunch appointment and they had towels ready for us. It was absolutely incredible.
We had transfer meeting today, and I am staying in Moreno with my same companion for another transfer. This will be my companion´s 3rd transfer in Moreno and his second with me. So, he will be leaving next transfer, which means I will probably stay in Moreno for another 2 transfers after he leaves. By the way, a transfer is 6 weeks :-). So, Moreno will be my home for another 4 and a half months. Transfer meeting was awesome. I am now the official pianist for the mission :-)
We are teaching this woman and her 18 year old daughter the lessons and they seem so receptive! We invited them to come to church on Thursday, along with another 5 people. Sunday showed up and turned out that zero of our investigators showed. Its really frustrating. I´m not angry, I´m sad. If they only knew what we knew, they would show up to church early. But, we keep trying, and we keep praying. It says in our mission letter that we are called to find the elect. We need to have faith that the Lord will and has prepared his elect to be baptized and become saints of this church.
I did exchanges with an Elder in our Zone on Friday. My companion went to a city called Marílo to have lunch with a family that he baptized a while back. I got to stay in Moreno and work with Elder Hart. He is seriously the funniest guy I have ever met in my entire life! We had so much fun and got so much work done that day! It was a great day.
Nothing much to report this week, it was pretty slow. But hopefully it will be more eventful next week, because the time goes by faster when you´re working hard, and this week has been really slow.
¡Les amo tan mucho! Les extraño y estoy muy feliz para eschuchar de ustedes cada semana. Estoy muy animado por su carta proxima semana y yo espero que todas las cosas sean buenas con ustedes. Salud, seguridad, y suerte con todas las cosas. Yo oro para ustedes cada día y noche. Sé que nuestro Padres Celestial les ama tan mucho y quiere que estén feliz en sus vidas. Tenga fe en Él, y les bendicirá con muchas bendiciones, más que ustedes pueden recibir. Tengo un testimonio de este Evangelio y sé que es verdadero. ¡Todas las cosas son posibles con Dios! ¡Tenga fe!

Su hijo, hermano, y amigo en Cristo,
Élder Garrett Brighton Rook
Misión Argentina Buenos Aires Oeste

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