Monday, October 10, 2011

¿Que tal?
I´m afraid it was kind of a bad week on your end, while on my end it was a really good week.
It seems like I was just here writing you yesterday. Housekeeping first.
I was really sad to hear about Steve Jobs. Great man. I hope Apple keeps going in the way its going.
Last time Steve Jobs left Apple, it almost died.
Quite a surprise about Bro. Bell. I´m just glad that he passed quickly.
Hot Rod closed down! No! Now what do I have to look forward to? Good luck Paige with the job search.
I´ll be praying for you.
Congrats Gavin on your show man. I saw the pictures and they look great! Such a stud!

Okay, about my week. On Saturday, we had the Baptism of Micaela. It was so awesome!
Definitely a spiritual feast. We had two investigators come to the service. One of them is named Andrea.
She was the young lady that we taught about two weeks ago who started to cry during the lesson.
She absolutely loved the baptismal service and she cried during the movie of the restoration.
She came to church yesterday, and cried during the testimonies.
She is golden, but...she won´t accept a baptismal date! We don´t know why.
She says that the gospel is true, she reads the Book of Mormon, she goes to church,
she says that she felt the Holy Ghost at church and in the baptism, and she knows that
Joseph Smith was a prophet. But, something is holding her back from being baptized.
Some advice would be helpful from you ex-missionaries.

I was sick this week and my companion too. Bummer. But now, we feel much better and are off working again.
So, on Thursday, I completed a year in the mission! WHOA!!!! Already a year?
We had Oreos and milk that night. Today, we are going to a all you can eat buffet with Elder Alkema,
my MTC companion. Super excited.
Chad Reeves is an ex-missionary down here visiting his girlfriend that he met in the MTC.
So, he helps us out almost everyday. Super cool kid. I´ll get a picture with him and send it next week.
Roxanna is a girl in the other ward who is assisting our chapel. She is a good friend of Chad´s girlfriend´s family.
I´m afraid I don´t have much to write, given that, with time, the weeks get a little more usual.
All of my unusual happenings have already happened 6 months back.
But, all the interesting stuff, I do include. Thank you for the package that you are about to send,
and I´ll be looking forward to it. I love you all and just know that I am doing well and my health is in good shape.
The pictures of our baptism are our baptism, and a family home evening we had with Sister Dorilda.
The lady that feeds us all the time. ´Twas a good night.
Con amor sincero,
Élder Garrett Brighton Rook
"Yo soy el maestro de mi destino, yo soy el capitan de mi alma"

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