Hey everybody!
Thank you for the letter, I always enjoy hearing from you guys! First of all...some housekeeping...
I´m pretty sure my grades are good enough to go to BYU, Mom. My GPA average is over 3.7. I´ve only gotten one C in my entire life. But, you could always find out. Call and ask about return missionaries.
Paige, I do something to say...
Que te vayas bien en tu viaje. Voy a pensar en vos siempre y orar por vos. Espero que encuentras mucho gozo en Alabama y que estés segura. Que los peligros del mundo no tengan poder sobre vos. Que el Espíritu del Señor vaya contigo y que te proteja. Escribíme a mi cuando vos llegues en Alabama. (Thought I would testyouon your spanish. If you don´t understand Google Translate does a pretty good job).
Translation:You go well on your journey. I'll always think of you and praying for you. I hope you find much joy in Alabama and you're safe. The dangers of the world does not have power over you. May the Spirit of the Lord go with you and protect you. Write to me when you get in Alabama.
Gavin, always be doing missionary work. I do know Ryan, he´s a good man. Let him knowI said hi, and to keep going. Always bear your testimony to everybody. You are a missionary now, you don´t need the black nametag to be a missionary.
I am so sorry,
but it is almost 9:00 and I have to go. I am here on special permission from the Assistants, because my companion and I went to visit converts in another area, since he´s leaving in 2 weeks. They told me to write a little snippet and send it. I´ll write more on thursday when we do Progressing Investigator Form. Know that I am all well and fine and healthy. If I don´t write on thursday for some reason, I´ll write again next monday.
I love you all!
Élder Garrett Brighton Rook
Misión Argentina Buenos Aires Oeste
"Mi proposito es invitar a lodas las personas a venir a Cristo..."
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