Monday, December 12, 2011

Saludos del paiz de la milanesa!

Well first off, I hope that you enjoyed the pictures that I sent. They´re of the big statue in my area in the central square. Kind of strange but really cool. Plus, and asado that we had with the new family. Plus, a picture of me in my suit. Look howskinny I am! Haha Also, some Tarzan songs in Spanish. We listen to them quite often. And yes, it is Phil

Collins. Apparently he sings in Spanish too.

Thanks in advance for the money that you guys sent me. I took it out today, but I won´t spend it until Christmas :-) I still don´t know what I´m going to get, but I´ll look around. I would think I would need about 25 bucks for phone cards, because to talk for an hour, I need about 4 phone cards.

Also, thanks for talking to BYU for me. I really appreciate it! I´m quite excited start studying after all this is said and done. Don´t know how I´m going to do it, but I guess I´ll figure it out right?

Send Coy my congratulations! I haven´t heard from him in forever! I remember when I spoke to him the night before he left on his mission, seems like such a short time ago. Time isjust flying by. I hope it doesn´t go by so fast after my mission.

Thats so awesome about Paige. I was praying for you the whole week. I´m glad everything turned out okay.

Dad, that temple story I do have to say was pretty hilarious. I laughed a lot when I read it. Hopefully your next temple trip will be a little more pleasent. I am looking forward to going to the temple with you guys after the mission, and then going to Applebee´s after the session of course, with Stewie and Adam too.

Neeldess to say, finding a job in Post Falls instead of Florida is just peachy. I really want to stay in Post Falls for the rest of my life if I can, but we´ll see. Maybe I´ll end up in Argentina, who knows? pastedGraphic.pdf I think it would be really cool to do a semester of college here in Buenos Aires. In Capital, theres institute and everything. Just and idea to chew on.

This week, on Wednesday, we have a Christmas party for our zone, and I´m pretty stoked. Elder Alkema will be there and I´m pretty excited to see him after a really long time. Out here, in the countryside, we don´t really have interaction with other elders. I haven´t seen another missionary in about a month and a half, since I got transfered. So, I really want to see some other missionaries.

We are going to have two baptisms on saturday. One of them is from this new family that we found, because the parents need to get married still, but we´re working on that. So, the daughter is getting baptized on saturday. So, we´re definitely excited to see this family starting to accept the gospel.

Its so hot here. The bikes help a little bit to combat the heat, because we´re constantly moving instead of slowly walking on the side of the street.

We went to wish a sister happy birthday and she asked us to come out back. She led us to a big metal barrel and it was covered with a sheet of metal. She lifted it up and lo and behold, there was a big armadillo! First time i´ve seen one of those outside of a cage. Armadillos are eaten here, and everybody tells me that they are really tasty. I would like to try it before I leave Argentina.

I´ll be writing you guys next week with what time I´m going to call you guys on Sunday the 25th. Tell meif your numbers are still the same, if not send me the new ones please. I don´t really know what to write about, given that I´ll be talking to your guys in a little less than two weeks. So, we´ll talk a lot on Christmas. I love you guys so much and I can´t wait to talk to you in two weeks! Have a good week and you will always be in my prayers.

Con amor,

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