Que tal todos? Okay, I do have to tell you, that I am barely awake, because we just got done playing soccer with the Zone Leaders in their chapel, so it's really hard for me to write right now. But, I love you guys so I'm going to write anyway Mom, thanks for your letter, but you were right. I don't know if Chad told you, but I did buy a flashdrive to store pictures on so I don't have to limit myself when it comes to taking pictures. I don't know if you guys are storing the pictures I have sent you? But, I did buy my shoes and I tell you what, I am a way happier person with them. They are so comfortable, waterproof, and are made especifically for work. They're awesome. And yes, I wear my orthopedics everyday. Well, I found out that I am leaving my are early today. I guess President was a little angry about something that I did last week, and he wants to send me out early... getting cut by a few days. It was supposed to be done on the 6th of November, but now its the 3rd. So, I have to say goodbye to my ward a sunday early. Really sad. I love my ward and I don't want to leave. I always get really nervous right before transfers. Don't know why. I think its because I'm leaving and I don't know where I'm going. Thank you so much for the money that you guys have deposited. It really helps a lot. I think that money at Christmas would be a lot better than a package, and easier. Entonces, quedense tranquilo {so, just relax}. Dad, below freezing weather would be amazing right now. Its starting to heat up here. We played soccer today and I almost died sweating. Its so humid I can't believe it. Its like you can feel the heat sitting right on your shoulders. Mom, this lady is picking up her son in my mission? If she is, what's her name? I know a missionary really well who's going home in January, who is from Utah, but I don't know if its the same family. I did get a letter from Matt. About 1/2 a paragraph. But, a letter nonetheless. Okay, now for my short week. We had quite a difficult week this week. My companion had to go to the hospital for a problem in his...its a man only problem. Anyway, we had to go to Buenos Aires. The hospital is right next to a gigantic train station called "Constitucion". The staion is enormous, probably one of the biggest buildings I have ever seen. We took two subways and a bus to get home at the end of the day. Fun day. By the way, my companion is okay. It would be really cool if you guys sent him a DearElder. He speaks fluent english so don't worry about not knowing spanish. His name is Jeffrey Phill Abarca. I'm sure he would love it. By the way, the area doctor checked my blood pressure and says that its still perfect right where it is. Makes me happy. 125/69 We had a few miracles this week. We have an investigator who has been investigating the church for a while, her name is samantha. We had a lesson with her in her house and her dad starting going off on how she didn't need to be baptized again because she's already baptized. And other things that aren't worth mentioning. He started trashing on the United States and stuff like that. I just had to keep my big trap shut. My companion asked Samantha to share her testimony. The spirit was so strong until her dad shot her down and made her cry. She's 14 by the way. Yesterday, she came up to us and told us that her dad has softened up to the idea a little bit and says that its her decision if she wants to get baptized. Miracle. My companion told me that he had a dream a few nights before and said that he saw that happen, in the exact same situation as it happened. Crazy. Tha Lord works in mysterious ways. We have another baptism on Saturday as well. A lady who lost her records and needs to get rebaptized. We are so incredibly blessed. What a week we are going to have! Anyway, I've got to go. Thanks for all that you do for me. Thanks for the letters and all the support. I'll write next week. I think I'm going to go and take a nap now Con amor, |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Weekly Letter October 17,2011
¡Hola! Otra semana pasa, y estoy viviendo el sueño. Another week passes and I`m living the dream. Housekeeping. I used some of the money for a few pairs of pants for the summer time, given that many of my pants were trashed from last summer. The sun takes the color out of the pants so they`re not black anymore. So, yeah, that`s what I used a little bit for. All I need is about 75$ from you guys to buy a really nice pair of shoes. I will get my other ones repaired, but all of the missionaires tell me that it will only last about 3 months. I found a nice pair of shoes in my area for about 250$ pesos argentinos, which would be about 65$. But the ATM takes about 17$ pesos argentinos out at every transaction, so 75$ would be wonderful. I am in dire need of new shoes. :-) Today would be nice, since the shoe store is going to have a pair in my size either tomorrow or wednesday. We`ll see. Yes, Chad did tell me about the offer that you gave him. I told him that he should do it, because my family is the bomb. And, he would love North Idaho. Plus, he could take some of my ex-girlfriends on a few dates I`m feeling a lot better. Although, I think I`ve got a cold coming on, so we`ll see how that turns out. Bummer, I`m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Gavin, Cafe Chulo would be the bomb dude. I`ve been there. They make the giant burritos. I went there with Tysen after we saw Star Trek in theaters. Congrats Dad on your email from the Pres. Now, if he can just promote you to a higher position. That would be sweet. You are in my prayers every night. I hope they`re helping. Congrats to Paige on the new program that she`s doing to get into BYU. I pray for the best and I hope that you can get a job soon. You`ll be going to BYU the same time I am! Crazy. Really sad about Bro. Bell. I hope that it all works out for their family. This week has been kind of punch in the face. We worked really hard but nobody came to Sacrament Meeting. Even though nobody came, I wasn`t disappointed, because I knew that we worked our tails off. With that, I realized that my time in Argentina is half-way done. I cried the other night because I didn`t want the time to go any faster than it is already going. It feels like I`m going to wake up tomorrow in my own bed, it seriously goes that fast. I also realized the other day that I`m speaking in a foreign tongue. That was weird. I think it was the first time that I realized that I can speak to a native Argentine, understand every word that he says, and then respond as though I have been speaking this language my entire life. It is really hard for me to speak in English to other people. Our investigator, Andrea, is studying English, so she came up to me in church and started speaking in English to me. It really caught me by surprise and I had no idea what to say. She looked at me funny and asked me if I understood. I said I did, but it has been a long time since I heard somebody else speak English. I tried to pray the other day in English and I couldn`t do it. I had to finish the prayer in Spanish. The gift of tongues is real, because I`ve experienced it. We haven`t been able to teach Andrea this week, because she`s been on vacations with her Mom and Grandma. But, we have a lesson planned with her this week. So, we`ll see what happens witht the baptismal commitment. It is gradually getting hotter. The humidity is started to set in and my sweat glands are not ready yet. I am not looking forward to summer, given that it has been pretty hot this past week, and it`s not even half as hot as it`s going to get when summer comes in January. Can you believe that October is almost gone? Before you know it, I`m going to be talking to you guys on the phone at Christmastime. I am amazed at how fast the time flies. I`m almost out of my second area and I`m almost at 13 months in the mission. Where did the time go? We have interviews with President this week. He`s probably going to talk to me about extending my mission. Since he said that he wanted to tlak about it after my year mark. I don`t know what to do. I don`t think I will extend my mission. But, I need to pray about it. I am really excited about interviews though, I love talking to President. Bueno, ya tengo que irme. Gracias por todo el apoyo que me dan y por siempre escribirme. No puedo creer que ya hace un año que estoy acà en Argentina. La misiòn es increìble. Ojalà que mi misiòn estê llena de èxito de ahora hasta el final. Pero, estoy seguro que va a ser asì. Tengo un testimonio del evangelio a lo cual represento yo. Jesùs es el Cristo, y Josè Smith fue su profeta. El Libro de Mormòn es verdadero y contiene la plentitud del Evangelio de Jesucristo. La espero la carta la semana que viene. Les amo a todos y saludos a todos en Post Falls! Su hijo, hermano, y amigo en Cristo Élder Garrett Brighton Rook "Yo soy el maestro de mi destino, you soy el capitàn de mi alma" |
Monday, October 10, 2011
¿Que tal? I´m afraid it was kind of a bad week on your end, while on my end it was a really good week. It seems like I was just here writing you yesterday. Housekeeping first. I was really sad to hear about Steve Jobs. Great man. I hope Apple keeps going in the way its going. Last time Steve Jobs left Apple, it almost died. Quite a surprise about Bro. Bell. I´m just glad that he passed quickly. Hot Rod closed down! No! Now what do I have to look forward to? Good luck Paige with the job search. I´ll be praying for you. Congrats Gavin on your show man. I saw the pictures and they look great! Such a stud! Okay, about my week. On Saturday, we had the Baptism of Micaela. It was so awesome! Definitely a spiritual feast. We had two investigators come to the service. One of them is named Andrea. She was the young lady that we taught about two weeks ago who started to cry during the lesson. She absolutely loved the baptismal service and she cried during the movie of the restoration. She came to church yesterday, and cried during the testimonies. She is golden, but...she won´t accept a baptismal date! We don´t know why. She says that the gospel is true, she reads the Book of Mormon, she goes to church, she says that she felt the Holy Ghost at church and in the baptism, and she knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet. But, something is holding her back from being baptized. Some advice would be helpful from you ex-missionaries. I was sick this week and my companion too. Bummer. But now, we feel much better and are off working again. So, on Thursday, I completed a year in the mission! WHOA!!!! Already a year? We had Oreos and milk that night. Today, we are going to a all you can eat buffet with Elder Alkema, my MTC companion. Super excited. Chad Reeves is an ex-missionary down here visiting his girlfriend that he met in the MTC. So, he helps us out almost everyday. Super cool kid. I´ll get a picture with him and send it next week. Roxanna is a girl in the other ward who is assisting our chapel. She is a good friend of Chad´s girlfriend´s family. I´m afraid I don´t have much to write, given that, with time, the weeks get a little more usual. All of my unusual happenings have already happened 6 months back. But, all the interesting stuff, I do include. Thank you for the package that you are about to send, and I´ll be looking forward to it. I love you all and just know that I am doing well and my health is in good shape. The pictures of our baptism are our baptism, and a family home evening we had with Sister Dorilda. The lady that feeds us all the time. ´Twas a good night. Con amor sincero, Élder Garrett Brighton Rook "Yo soy el maestro de mi destino, yo soy el capitan de mi alma" |
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